Diabetic to pre diabetic in 3 months

Hello !
I am Rupali Rohit Pardeshi.
Social Worker.
Four years ago I learnt that I have Type II diabetes. After I started suffering from diabetes, I became worried just like everybody else. I was uncomfortable with the thought of tackling diabetes. I was taking 750 mg maxformin since 3 years.
In the beginning I had doubts about the advantage of this diet, therefore I did not follow this diet properly. But after that I started following this diet strictly and I have got good results. Though diet has been followed strictly, once in a month, I eat sweets, but on that day I walk ½ hr. more. Therefore I get good results.
Reports on 09.01.18 – When I started the diet –
HbA1C – 5.9
Fasting Insulin – 12.3
Weight – 80
After this report as per instructions of Dr. Dixit Sir, my diet plan started. During the day, I used to eat so many times, therefore insulin used to be produced more than required for body.
So now I eat only at meal times twice a day by fixing time in 55 minutes at each meal. I eat everything as much as I want except sweet dish. After that I do not eat anything in remaining time. I drink only water/ green tea/ black tea as per requirement. Alongwith this as per advice I take 45 min walking exercise daily. I have followed this diet strictly for last 3 months which has benefited me and my weight has been reduced by 4 kg. Additional fat of my body has been controlled.
I have done testing again on 19/05/18 at Golvilkar Lab. Reports are as under :
HbA1C – 5.6
Weight- 76
Fasting Insulin- 9.4
Current medicine – Glycomet 500 mg in the morning, Glycomet 250 mg in the night
After seeing these reports it can be seen that due to implementation of Dr.Dixit Sir’s diet plan my health & diabeteic condition has improved. Doctor has advised me to stop taking tablets. The fact that the tab that I was taking for 4 years has been stopped within 4 months is a great achievement. That is just because of simple diet & walking.
Everyone says that diabetes never gets cured. You have to take medicines permanently. But it can be controlled. I show them my reports. Now they also ask about diet. I forward them Dr. Dixit Sir’s video.
Due to continuous walking my cholesterol is also under control. You can have square meal so that you don’t get frustrated like with other diet plans and don’t get tired of dieting. Meal time is fixed therefore you can have control on your food intake. Getting good results in short time is inspiring us to implement this diet plan.
Now I will continue this diet permanently and I will not let diabetes affect me in future. Loss of eyesight due to diabetes, daily injection (which frightens me a lot) and seeing affected parts of body cut due to gangrene… What if I go through all of these in future…. This thought always frightens me. But due to this diet I have been freed from this fear. This diet plan is very useful to every diabetic person and it is free of cost which is also important. Due to Dr. Dixit Sir’s diet plan and advice I have got control over my diabetes which makes me happy. For that I am very much thankful to Dr. Dixit Sir.